We have all either experienced or heard about a dishonest car salesman, but there are steps we can take as consumers to avoid the trap of a car deal with a dishonest car salesman. If we simply prepare ourselves in advance of approaching a car dealership, we can ensure that our experience will be pleasant and not one we live to regret by purchasing a car that someone merely talked us into buying. If you have been lied to by a car salesman schedule a free consultation to discuss how we can help to get the compensation you deserve.
Key Considerations to Avoid Dishonest Car Salesmen
There are several key points to carefully consider before you get serious about the purchase of a new or used car:
- Make sure you work with a reputable car dealer, which does not necessarily have to be a large dealership. If you do your homework, you may find that a smaller dealership has an excellent reputation. Regardless of the size of the dealership, be wary when you walk on to a car lot if you get the feeling that the salesmen you meet are not completely up front or attempt to intimidate you in some way. Listen to your gut feelings; they are often right.
- Stay in charge. Never allow a salesman to lead you to his or her choice; make sure you take your time to look around at all your options.
- Inform yourself. When you find a car that interests you, do your own research and check out consumer ratings that give you an idea of repair issues, and costs, in addition to the mileage, etc.
- Always take notes about what the salesman promises you about financing, etc. Repeat information back to the salesman as you’re writing it down so there is no misunderstanding, then refer back to your notes before you agree on a price or sign any documents.
- Never allow a salesman to tell you that this is the last day of a sale, or the last car in this particular color or the “last” anything and pressure you into buying before you have a chance to take a break to think about your purchase. Walk away, perhaps leave the dealership for a few minutes or a few hours to allow yourself time to thoroughly evaluate everything about the car, the deal you’ve been offered, and whether this is the car you want to drive for the next several years.
Legal Help for Victims of Dishonest Car Salesmen
The Bennett Law Firm offers legal guidance to residents of Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Lawton, Norman, Edmond and Stillwater.
If you have purchased a car and later find that you were working with a dishonest car dealer salesman, schedule a free consultation online or call The Bennett Law Firm at 405.272.0303 to discuss your legal options with an experienced Oklahoma City lawyer today. No Recovery, No Fee! We will meet with you face to face and can handle cases anywhere in Oklahoma. We can even come to you!