You have faithfully paid your insurance premiums for 20 years. The insurance was expensive so making the payments was a struggle at times. You have never made a single claim against your insurance policy and also have never missed a payment. A terrible storm hits and does massive property damage to your home. Like most homeowners, you presume that your insurance company will reimburse you for your loss. After all, you have paid thousands of dollars over many years and received nothing in return except for the future promise that your insurance provider will be there when you need it. Instead, your claim is met with denial letters, and you cannot get clear answers regarding why your insurance company is wrongfully denying your claim or offering an unreasonably low settlement amount. Many people throughout Oklahoma face this nightmare scenario whether they have suffered damage to their home or car or have gotten seriously ill. Schedule a free consultation with us if your claim has been wrongfully denied by your insurance company.
At The Bennett Law Firm, we represent Oklahoma residents who are victims of bad faith by their insurance company. A first party insurance claim refers to a claim for damage, loss or injury made by an insured against his or her own insurance company. When you pay insurance premiums, you are paying for the piece of mind that comes with knowing that when the unexpected occurs, your insurance provider will pay your claim. Whether you have been offered only limited payment of your claim without reasonable explanation or your claim is denied altogether, our experienced Oklahoma bad faith insurance law firm may be able to file a bad faith lawsuit against your insurance company. The bad faith insurance attorneys at The Bennett Law Firm has extensive experience litigating first party bad faith insurance claims including but not limited to the following:
- Uninsured Motorist Claims & Underinsured Motorist Claims
- Denials of Medical Coverage
- Refusal to Pay Life Insurance Benefits
- Homeowner’s Insurance Damage Claims (i.e. roof damage)
- Comprehensive Collision (car property damage)
- Denial of Long-Term Disability Coverage
- Refusal to Defend an Insured
- Damage Caused by Natural Disasters (i.e. floods, wind, hail and storm damage)
Our experienced Oklahoma bad faith insurance attorneys have extensive experience handling a wide variety of bad faith insurance claims including the following:
- Offering less than the value of the claim without explanation or justification
- Inaccurate calculation of deductibles
- Issues involving the scope and value of loss
- Bad faith disputes related to coverage and exclusions
It is reasonable to presume that if you faithfully make your insurance premium payments your insurance company will honor their contractual obligation to pay for your loss. Unfortunately, insurance companies increase their profits by collecting premiums while denying or paying out as little as possible on a claim. If your claim is denied or the insurance company is offering less than the value of your claim, it is important that you request that your insurance provider indicate in writing what provisions of your insurance policy it is relying on in denying or low-balling your claim. This will force the insurance company to defend this rationale for its bad faith position should you need to sue your insurance company for bad faith. You should also carefully document any conversations or correspondence with your insurance company.
If your insurance company refuses to deal fairly with you and insists on cheating you by denying your claim, refusing to defend you or offering less than the value of your loss, The Bennett Law Firm can help. Our experienced Oklahoma bad faith insurance team of attorneys and staff will diligently fight your insurance company so that you can recover the full value of your loss. If your insurance company refuses to pay the full value of your claim, we can file a lawsuit for bad faith denial of your first party insurance benefits and seek damages far beyond the value of your claim based on your insurance company’s failure to deal with you in good faith.
When our client’s insurance company breaches their contractual duty by failing to provide the full first party benefits for which our client’s have paid, our bad faith insurance attorneys use their expertise and experience to compel the insurance company to perform the contractual obligations for which they have collected premiums. The Bennett Law Firm works on a contingency fee basis so you do not pay attorney’s fees unless we obtain a favorable settlement or court judgment on your behalf. This means that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Contact us today for your free no obligation initial consultation! No Recovery No Fee! We will meet with you face to face and can handle cases anywhere in Oklahoma. We can even come to you!